St. Peter's nominating committee is looking for active and dedicated church members who would like to serve in a variety of ways. In particular, we are seeking people to serve on Parish Council, Regional Council and Diocesan Synod. Each of these positions are responsible for the governance of the church.

The Parish Council is responsible for the stewardship of the financial and property resources
entrusted to the church, as well as the programs and ministries carried out in our midst.

Regional Council is primarily program based to learn about the wider church and to execute regional ministries (these have included educational events, worship services, training events, and other such tasks. Regional Council also elects people to serve on Diocesan Council (they must be members of synod) and sometimes are requested to have input on diocesan matters. Diocesan synod is a meeting that makes decisions for the diocese (Anglican churches in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
Synod is a 3 day event, this year on May 23-2 at St. FX University in Antigonish.

Synod includes worship, presentations, decisions about cannon laws, and consideration of motions brought forward by diocesan groups, regions,parishes and individuals. To qualify to serve in these positions, you mustbe a minimum of 16 years of age, contribute to the ministry of the parish
(financially or volunteer work), and be a regular communicant (receive eucharist once a month or more on average). To learn more about these ministries, please contact Rev. Arran or ask some folks who are or have served in these roles. Thank you for taking time to consider if your gifts and talents could meet the needs of the church!

Warmly in grace and peace,
Arran Thorpe
St. Peter's Birch Cove, Halifax